Daniela Damoune
Author: Daniela Damoune

Throwback: Automating SAP Reporting - Webinar

In the modern business world, companies operate in complex ecosystems and manage sophisticated processes ranging from procurement to payment. In our English-language webinar, we took a closer look at one of the critical processes that supports business operations, the purchase-to-pay process, and how to automate it as an example. This comprehensive process includes everything from order placement to goods receipt, invoicing, and finally payment. However, as businesses grow and transactions increase, the challenges of manually managing these processes become apparent.

The Complexity of the Purchase-to-Pay Process:

At first glance, the purchase-to-pay process might appear straightforward – place an order, receive the goods, process the invoice, and make the payment. Yet, beneath this simplicity lies a web of interconnected steps, each requiring specific data points and information. The process starts with purchase requisitions, which detail the approvals, quantities, and specifications of goods needed. These requisitions evolve into purchase orders, containing vital information such as payment terms and other master data. Upon receiving the goods, a goods received entry is generated, marking the transition from ordered to owned. This ownership change, in turn, triggers invoicing, leading to the final step of making payments.

Navigating Data Complexity with SAP Reporting:

The real challenge arises from managing the myriad data generated throughout the purchase-to-pay process. Vital information is scattered across different SAP tables and modules, requiring comprehensive data extraction and reporting methods. This complexity makes it impractical to expect all required information to be housed within a single table. Instead, data needs to be gathered, connected, and synthesized from various sources, often involving multiple tables. The sheer volume and interconnectedness of this data necessitate efficient reporting methods to gain actionable insights.

The Need for Automated SAP Reporting:

Manual reporting in SAP environments can be labor-intensive, prone to errors, and time-consuming. The answer to these challenges lies in the power of automation. Automating SAP reporting not only speeds up data processing and reporting turnaround times but also minimizes the risk of human errors. By centralizing data extraction and automating the data transformation process, organizations can ensure accurate and reliable reporting. Automation also empowers departments to access relevant data and insights promptly, enhancing decision-making and resource allocation.

The Power of Data Visualization:

Automated SAP reporting goes beyond automation; it empowers departments with dynamic visualizations. Instead of sifting through raw data, automated reporting tools provide interactive dashboards, displaying key performance indicators (KPIs), graphs, and trends. These visualizations simplify complex data, making it easy to identify patterns, anomalies, and trends. This visual approach enables departments to make informed decisions swiftly, backed by accurate insights.

The Nexus: Bridging SAP Reporting and Automation:

For businesses leveraging SAP systems, a solution like Nexus comes into play. Nexus is a powerful platform that seamlessly integrates with Microsoft products, including Microsoft Power BI and SQL Server. It enables businesses to connect their SAP systems, automate data extraction, and generate comprehensive analytics. This integration empowers organizations to enjoy the benefits of automation while using familiar tools and technologies.


In today's fast-paced business landscape, manual reporting and data processing can no longer keep up with the demands of complex processes. The purchase-to-pay process, with its interconnected steps and vast data points, calls for automated SAP reporting solutions. By embracing automation, organizations can unlock accurate and timely insights, enhance decision-making, and streamline their operations. With tools like Nexus, businesses can bridge the gap between SAP systems and modern analytics, creating a more agile and data-driven business environment.


Watch the whole recorded webinar here:

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