

dab: Daten – Analysen & Beratung GmbH
Hans-Obser-Straße 12
94469 Deggendorf

Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker (FH) Martin Riedl
Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker (FH) Stefan Wenig

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Deggendorf
Registernummer: HRB 2663
Umsatzsteuer Ident. Nr.: DE 235 553 716

+49 991 991 358 – 0
+49 991 991 358 – 95

Images: contrastwerkstatt (AdobeStock), Dudarev Mikhail (AdobeStock), Sergey Nivens (AdobeStock), aerogondo (AdobeStock)

WordPress Support & Updates: Bambuk Studio

Terms of use

Through the use of the website www.dab-gmbh.de, you consent to the following terms of use laid down by dab:GmbH. 

dab:GmbH reserves the right to change or extend the terms of use at any time without prior notice.

Protection of personal data

The personal data which you provide on dab:GmbH´s websites are used exclusively for processing requests and for managing your account. Under no circumstances will above named data be sold or otherwise forwarded to third parties. Your providing your name when setting up an account by registering is only intended for personalization purposes as well as for registering you for an event.

Links to the websites of third parties

Links from this website to the sites of third parties are provided only for reasons of user friendliness. The posting of these links on our website does not imply any [Billigung] of the respective contents of the linked sites by dab:GmbH and no connection to the providers of the same. dab:GmbH does not have control over the contents of linked websites and it thus not responsible for their contents or for the link in itself. The use of a Link can lead to leaving the website of dab:GmbH. Doing this is the user´s own responsibility.


Certain sections of this website require a password for use. Providing this password is again the lone responsibility of the user. The user allone is responsible for protecting his passwords against illegitimate use. If a user learns that a password has been inadvertently made known to third parties in whatever way or that another danger exists through illegitimate use of the same, this has to be reported to dab:GmbH immediately.

Downloading software or documents

All downloadable documents (software or multimedia contents) are protected by copyright either by dab:GmbH or by their producers. The use of the software is subject to the terms of the respective end user license agreement which is transferred with the software and which can be requested either from the producer of the software or from dab:GmbH. As a rule, the software cannot be installed without having before accepted all the terms of the license agreement. 


ly end users in the sense of the license agreement are allowed to download and use the software. Any other illegal use, in particular the illegitimate copying or marketing of the software are pursued under the regulations of civil jurisdiction. 

Unless specified by the license agreement or prescribed by law, dab:GmbH does not take any responsibility for the functioning and freedom of errors of the downloaded software. dab:GmbH does not cover any damages of the user, in particular missed profits, breaks in the normal running of the business or loss of data.

 dab:GmbH does not take any guarantee for the downloaded data being current or suitable for specific purposes.

Contents of the internet presentation

dab:GmbH does not give any guarantee for the quality of the information provided or for it´s being current, correct or complete. Claims against dab:GmbH founded on material or immaterial damages caused by use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of erroneous or incomplete information are ruled out. All offers are non-binding. dab:GmbH explicitly reserves the right to change, enhance or remove part or all of its website without prior notice.


All company and product names as well as trademarks are in the ownership of the respective producer, trading company or bearer and are protected by law. Graphics, texts and other contents, insofar as they are subject to foreign copyrights, are authorised. Should there be any graphics or texts on this website which are unlabeled or protected by a foreign copyright, then dab:GmbH was not able to clarify the copyright. Should any such inadvertent violation of a copyright be found on our website, dab:GmbH will upon gaining knowledge thereof immediately remove the respective content from its publication or label it with the respective copyright. ACL™ is a registered trademark of ACL Services Ltd in Vancouver. SAP© is a registered trademark of SAP AG in Walldorf. Microsoft SQL Server™ and Microsoft Excel™ are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. These trademarks as well as any other third-party-trademark or firm- and product descriptions are belongings from the current owner and only used for describing our products and their compatibility. All products of the dab:GmbH, like the dab:Exporter, the dab:FastForwards as well as all other products and services of dab:GmbH are independent products. There is no association or support of these products to/by SAP AG, ACL Services Ltd. or any affiliated company of SAP and ACL. 
 Copyright for graphics and texts produced by dab:GmbH or any of its [agents] remains with the respective producers or dab:GmbH alone. Copying or using such graphics and texts in electronic or other print media is not allowed without the explicit consent of dab:GmbH. 

Any violations of these terms will be judicially pursued.