
Enterprise Risk Management with ACL™ GRC

Did you know that ACL™ also offers an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) solution?

The “Strategy” module of the ACL™ GRC software allows you to analyse and document risks at company level, and to visualize your risk landscape – fully supporting you in every aspect of risk management.

ACL™ GRC is a lean, extremely user-friendly solution that requires no technical implementation effort while offering exciting, unique features.

Our video shows you how risk management works in practice using the solution.

For example, it shows you how to create a risk and perform a risk assessment, and how to assign business processes to organisational units in order to build the bridge to your risk universe.

We also examine its unique features, such as the ability to perform a risk assessment automatically based on data analytics KPIs, in line with ACL™'s data-driven vision.

As a second key feature, operational risk management (e.g. based on the controls in the internal control system (ICS), or on audit results) can be easily linked to enterprise risk management. So you always have a handle on the actual risk situation.

The solution is rounded off by a time machine – which allows you to look back, whenever you wish, on the situation at any point in time – and by exciting heat-map visualisations and digital risk-assessment workshops for distributed collaboration with globally active risk managers.


Here you can see the video!


We hope you find the video both fascinating and informative, and look forward to receiving your feedback along with any questions you may have.

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