
Re­tro­spect: We­bi­nar "Mak­ing SAP An­a­lyt­ics an In­te­gral Part of In­ter­nal Audit"

On December 14, 2016 we had the opportunity, as part of the webinar series of our sales partner HWA (High Water Advisors), to present our solution for analysis of SAP® data.

We show the orchestration of our dab:Exporter data extraction software, ACL™ Analytics Exchange software, and our dab:AnalyticSuite (formerly dab:FastForwards), a four-digit number of ready defined analyses with major focus on internal auditing plus user departments.

What is especially interesting here, extra to the architecture of the solution, is the different ways of processing the results. Specialists with high IT affinity can be presented the results in ACL™ analytics software; business auditors can simply access detailed results by their web browser, but just as easily use visualization.

High Water Advisors describes the contents of the webinar as follows:

Audit departments are increasingly asked to do more with less and many audit departments are turning to data analytics as a way to automate testing, increase transaction coverage, and test more areas of risk.

For audit departments in companies using SAP, making this transition requires the right mix of technology to access SAP data and often analyze significant volumes of data across a variety of tables. In this session, we will review several key solutions from dab-GmbH and learn how audit departments can implement integrated, usable, scalable SAP data analytic solutions that offer in-depth answers using a platform accepted by IT and internal auditors.

You can view the webinar (in English) at the following link: http://www.highwateradvisors.com/webinar/making-sap-analytics-an-integral-part-of-internal-audit-watch

You can contact us if you have questions or suggestions at info@dab-gmbh.de

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