
AM:Data­Consult (now dab:Software) Busi­ness As­sur­ance Se­ries on 6th of March in Dort­mund - Re­view

Last week we were invited to give a presentation at the “ACL Business Assurance” series which took place in Dortmund on the 6th of March.

The series is organized by dab:Software. In total, four interesting presentations were held. The focus of the event was ACL™ data analytic solutions for SAP© data as well as new features of ACL’ s ™ solution portfolio.

Mr. Günter Müller, former audit manager at BAYER AG, gave a presentation titled "Analyzing Big data –The future of Auditing and as well as a controlling tool for management".

Another presentation was about “Extraordinary methods to analyze data with ACL™” , held by Michael Ogrodowski und and Peter Hucklenbroich from WGZ BANK in Dusseldorf.

Stefan Wenig , CEO of the dab:Group talked about „Two different areas of application for SAP© data analytics: Continuous Controls Monitoring (CCM) vs. Ad-Hoc analytics”. He differed between two approaches when it comes to establishing data analytics as tool in a company.

On one hand, especially in Internal Audit, data needs to be analyzed “ad-hoc”. This means, auditors need the flexibility to filter, combine or sum up data on the fly based on information they receive within an audit. On the other hand there are CCM-approaches: Analytics will be performed on a continuous base, scheduled and fully automated. All results will be distributed to different „data consumers“, decentralized and maybe including Dashboard visualization. How those approaches can be differed (and how to integrating them) was shown in a live demo. You can have a look at the presentation at Slideshare:

The closing presentation for that day was done by Andreas Müller (dab:Software) „ACL News and Developments“ contained a detailed insight in the features of ACL™ Analytics Version 10.5, ACL™ Analytics Exchange 4.0, ACL™ GRC as well as the development roadmap of these products for 2014.

I hope you enjoyed the article and the presentation on Slideshare. For any comments on that article, feel free to write us at info@dab-gmbh.de.

To contact the author you can also use LinkedIn or XING (you may have to login first before you can access these links).

LinkedIn: http://de.linkedin.com/pub/stefan-wenig/54/1b8/b30

XING: https://www.xing.com/profile/Stefan_Wenig2?sc_o=mxb_p

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