
ACL™ - Cal­cu­late terms and Age


ACL can calculate with date fields by computing a new field (eg. period in days); with this numeric field further commands like “STRATIFY” or “SORT” can be executed.

Furthermore with a command called “AGE” - which has to be executed on a date field only - there is the possibility to group records looking backwards referring to a cutoff date.

From BSAK (table for cleared vendor items) fields for document entry date (CPUDT) and posting date (BUDAT) are taken as example to show different calculation models.

a) Cal­cu­late terms:

Adding a new column in BSAK, using the expression builder, create a subtraction with columns CPUDT and BUDAT, and enter a name for the computed field.

Negative or positive values in this new column provide information on the timeline of the process:

  • Negative value = entering the document BEFORE posting
  • Positive value = entering the document AFTER posting
  • Value ‚0‘ = entering and posting on same date


For further processing use command “STRATIFY”.

We get the following view with parameters Minimum (-300), Maximum (1500) and Intervals (10):

Syntax for this command: 

<< STRATIFY ON c_diff_date SUBTOTAL c_diff_date MINIMUM -300 MAXIMUM 1500 INTERVALS 10 TO SCREEN >>

b) De­ter­mine age of doc­u­ments:

The AGE-command is executed on BUDAT with a selection of intervals on 0, 30, 90, 180, 360, 720, 1800, 3600, the cutoff date can be selected and is valid for all items ( in this example it is 01.01.2005) – from this Cutoff Date looking backwards the documents are grouped according to the selected intervals.

ACL syntax is as follows …

<< AGE ON BSAK_BUDAT CUTOFF 20050101 INTERVAL 0;30;90;180;360;720;1800;3600 TO SCREEN >>

… and displays the result accordingly:

This is how you get a quick overview of the age structure of the documents.

To put it in a nuts­hell:

  • Differences in days are calculated based on 2 date fields, and can be processed by other commands.
  • Age structure of a dataset is obtained when using the AGE-command, looking backwards from a cutoff date, grouped into intervals.

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